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Eros Gathering: Psychic Hygiene/Energy Basics
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Rev. dawn (belet dawn), co-creator of the Sacred Sexuality group “Path of the Qadishti” and the “Scarlet Sanctuary, as well as HPs of the Sacred Flame Temple ….co-host of the Erotic Awakening podcast and more!!! …, continues her series of classes on Sacred Sexuality with “Psychic Hygiene’.
Whether you are interested in working with energy as a practitioner of Sacred Sexuality, a kinkster, a healer, or for any reason…..it will come in handy to have some knowledge of basic energy concepts and tools.
Learn what it means to work/play with energy, as well as…..
Cord Cutting
and more…….
Eros Gathering: Psychic Hygiene/Energy Basics
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