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5 Love Languages
5 Love Languages w/belet dawn – 10/15, 8pm Eastern
Many of us have heard of the 5 Love Languages, based on Gary Chapman’s book, 5 Love Languages, and may have even discovered what our personal love language is. Yet, have you discovered your partner’s love language – their Giving language and their Receiving language? Learning and using each other’s love languages can increase how satisfied we feel in our relationships. We can choose to behave differently when we understand what is most important to those we love. We can choose to love with intentional actions to nurture our relationships. Join belet dawn as she takes you on a journey of discovery to find your love language and learn how to listen for the love language of those around you.
belet dawn has been part of the kink community for 20+ years, presenting on everything from Power Exchange to Polyamory to Sacred Sexuality, usually with her owner, Daniel Belum. She is co-author of Power Exchange books like “Living M/s” and Hearts and Collars, Polyamory books like The Polyamory Toolkit and The Polyamory Dating Guide and the co-host of the longest running kink podcast, Erotic Awakening.
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