(Dan, posting for dawn)
The final few days before an event are always the busiest. There are things that just can’t be done before the last couple of days. We need to check in with staff and make sure they are all on board and that they have what they need from us and all questions have been answered. The hotel weekend plans have to be approved and communicated. Packing lists have to be reviewed and then items loaded up and delivered to the hotel. Badges have to be made. Last minute signs have to be created and printed. Program books have to be approved and printed and delivered. Tshirts have been delivered and now have to be organized. Runpins have arrived, but the invoice hasn’t. Vendors and Hospitality Suite Hosts have to be contacted for any last minute issues and have questions answered. Open Ceremony slide show organized. Slide show for monitor on the Info table created. Notes for opening and closing ceremonies put together. All of this is in the last week before an event.
Most of our staff is out of town, so it fall on Dan and I to make sure all this stuff is done before the event; not that we’d let any of it go even if everyone lived in our neighborhood So, if you see me and Dan taking a break during the weekend…..you’ll know why. Though, it’s not only because we are worn out, but also because we have a kick ass staff that takes over their pieces when we walk in the door!
All the work is worth it though, just to see everyone delving into the world of power exchange and learning the skills to make their version of this dynamic work for them.