Polyamory Dating Challenges as an Introvert

(exert from The Polyamory Dating Guide)

โ€œI want to be aloneโ€ฆ with someone else who wants to be alone.โ€ โ€“ Dimitri Zaik.

Dawn says:

There are introverts, extroverts and ambiverts. Most of us are ambiverts, but slide on the scale more towards introvert or extrovert. Introverts recharge in solitude. Extroverts recharge around people. Thatโ€™s about the simplest way to put it. 

I am an introvert and I find it to be one of my biggest challenges to dating. Being an introvert isnโ€™t a bad thing, itโ€™s just many people arenโ€™t quite sure what to do with us and sometimes we arenโ€™t sure what to do with ourselves. I prefer alone time, but I like to meet people and date and develop relationships as well. It just looks different than how other people do it. 

So, how is being an introvert a challenge?

Most introverts are solitary creatures. Me included. I used to think I was just shy and it was something that needed to be overcome. But, I started to notice other personality traits that made interacting with people in certain situations difficult. I love being on stage and presenting. I love co-hosting a podcast. I love producing events and running groups. All these involve people, but I donโ€™t have to actually interact except how I choose to. Iโ€™m in charge. I can leave when I want to and no one recognizes that Iโ€™m off hiding and recharging in a quiet space. 

I actually figured out I was an introvert when I went to a โ€œmeet and greetโ€. Those are super difficult for me especially when I go alone and I donโ€™t know anyone. But, I did know someone here and they were having a hard time, but realized what they need. The went to a corner and had me stand in front of them. This hid them enough from people that they were able to breathe, recharge, put a smile on their face and get back out there. I asked them later about it and they said that as an introvert, people are overwhelming after awhile and he just needed to recharge a little bit so that he could make it through the evening. OH!!! Ding ding ding. Iโ€™m not alone and now I know what t am. 

Now that I know what I am, an introvert, I know that there isnโ€™t anything to โ€œfixโ€. I just need to learn some skills to be with people, especially being polyamorous. Iโ€™m not going to find people to date or have relationships with if Iโ€™m always by myself. It just doesnโ€™t work that way. 

Challenge 1 – Communication styles

A lot of people like to chat on the phone and will want my phone number right away. Personally, I donโ€™t like chatting on the phone now that I have options. Talking on the phone doesnโ€™t give me time to form my words. Introverts pause a lot when they are talking, so that they can think about what they want to say. This means they get interrupted a lot during the pauses. Talking on the phone can be rough and I find that I stop talking because Iโ€™m not able to take those pauses without someone trying to fill the emptiness. 

And texting can be a challenge for me as well, oddly enough. I have a problem with returning texts. That should be the easiest thing for me, as itโ€™s easier than meeting in person. Instead, a text comes through and either Iโ€™m in the middle of something else and not wanting to refocus on a text or I find that Iโ€™m not wanting to say the wrong thing or looking too needy, so I think on it waiting till I have the right thing to say, and then forget to text them back all together. This has been found to be a trait of introverts. Iโ€™ve learned that if Iโ€™m not going to answer right away, to add them to my daily to-do list, or to answer right away with an emoji or something, to show I got the text and am not ignoring them. 

So, my preference in communication is emails. That certainly doesnโ€™t work for everyone, as itโ€™s not instant enough. I have to actually write people back or text them that I got the email and it may take me a bit to reply. This gives me time to think about how to respond. Iโ€™m slow. 

Challenge 2 – Setting up an actual date

I love to chat online and miss the days of chat rooms and yahoo chat. They were more instant than the options Iโ€™m currently finding. I could have an instant conversation with someone and would spend hours doing so. But, at some point it would progress to meeting in person. Iโ€™d get nervous and excited. And really NOT wanting to do so. Do I have to? Well, yes, I do if Iโ€™m going to meet people. Plus, Iโ€™ve found that if I wait too long to set up an actual in person date, people tend to lose interest, thinking Iโ€™m not interested in them or are leading them on. Itโ€™s not true. Itโ€™s just that Iโ€™m having a hard time getting out the door, out of my comfort zone.

(continued in The Polyamory Dating Guide)


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