EA654 – HypnoKink

This week on the Erotic Awakening Podcast, @dananddawn have a great conversation with Hypnostory and Panda about #Hypnokink! What can you do with it? What canโ€™t you do? Can you really make someone come on command?

PLUS we talk about ways to identify swingers and fiery tongues.

Links mentioned on the show:

– Catch Hypnostory and Panda at NEEHU on March 30 to April 4, 2023 https://www.neehu.org/

– Check out HypnoKink 101 https://www.pandastory.love/101 (Dan has attended and highly recommends)

– Hypnokink goodies! https://www.patreon.com/pandastory/posts

– CONsolation for kink education and hypnokink –https://discord.gg/bUTUpSyt

Find all things Dan & dawn at




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