(note: the below only applies if you ‘cold contacted’ us)
We receive an average of 3 request per week to have an author or other contact creator come on the show so they can talk about their product.
Sometimes we will accomadate these, but often it is just a pitch to gain you exposure. So here are some other options.
1) Advertise on Erotic Awakening and be part of the longest running kink/poly show on the internet! https://www.eroticawakening.com/partner_w_erotic_awakening/
2) Be interviewed on the show by Dan & dawn as a financial exchange.
We offer a personalized experience that will feature your book or product to our huge audience of people who are specifically looking for your information!
The interview fee of $75 is fed directly into our general podcast advertising budget, which therefore continues to benefit you!
*Note: In the case of product, we may be open to conversations on product exchange as well. This does not apply to books.
Erotic Awakening Listening Statistics
(last update 07/30/21)
The above statistics do not include our growing YouTube channel, Instagram, and other outreach engagement methods.