2 Styles of Power Exchange Relationships

There are many different styles of Power Exchange Relationships.ย 


2 of the styles we talk about in โ€˜Hearts and Collarsโ€™ is Co-op and Military. Various other names can be used for these styles, but these are the ones we are using in the book.ย 

These are the 2 styles we see the mostโ€ฆ

Co-op is where everything is discussed and then the Leader makes a decision. There is rarely, if any, punishment in the dynamic. Those that follow this style, Iโ€™ve never heard them tell their follower anything along the lines of โ€˜I donโ€™t want to hear your opinionโ€™.ย 

Then there is the military style. Itโ€™s not really military but emulates that style. For the most parts, decisions arenโ€™t discussed. The Leader makes a decision and tells the follower what to do. Itโ€™s possible that language such as, โ€˜I donโ€™t need your opinionโ€™ might be used. Punishment is more likely in this style. There are rituals and protocols involved.ย 

For Dan and I, ours is a combination. Sometimes he wants my opinion and we discuss decisions. Though he still makes the final decision unless heโ€™s given the project to me to complete. So there is definitely co-op in our style. But, there is also military style mixed in. We have a punishment dynamic. And there are times that he doesnโ€™t want my opinion or offer of information and will let me know to be quiet.


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